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[Eng] Rate Plan Template

Screen Name

Rate Plan Template

Log in – Rate Service Management – Template – Rate Plan Template


The screen allows you to define the rate plan template that configures a default list of rate plans. The template can be distributed to many properties in the chain/organization.


Fields Description

I. Rate Plan Template

[Create New Rate Plan] – Select Create to create a new rate code

  • Rate Code: Code of the rate plan

  • Rate Name: Name of the rate plan

  • Rate Type: Type of the rate plan

    • Normal Rate: Default rate for a specific period of time. This rate type is normally used for the contract with the travel agent or static prices that do not require daily adjustment.

    • Base Rate: The rate is set by the users for different levels. This rate type is normally when you have a dynamic rate strategy by day. You should define how many levels to create the dynamic price.

    • Advanced Daily Rate: Variable daily rate for each night of the stay depends on the market demand. The pricing schedule is derived from the Daily Base Rate. This rate type is limited to be only used for property level.

  • Begin Sell Date: Begin date when the rate is available to sell

  • End Sell Date: End date when the rate is stopped to sell

  • Day Use: Select this option if the rate is reserved for the day use booking that check in and check out at the same time (Min Los = 0)

  • Description: Description of the rate plan

  • Short Description: Short Description about the rate plan

  • Market: Select from the Market Codes list of value

  • Source: Select from the Source Codes list of value

  • Min LOS (Length of Stay): Minimum length of stay of the reservation counted from the arrival date

  • Max LOS (Length of Stay): Maximum length of stay of the reservation counted from the arrival date

  • Min Advance Booking: Minimum number of days booking window that are allowed to book in advance

  • Max Advance Booking: Maximum number of days booking window that are allowed to book in advance

  • Inherit From Rate Plan: Select this option if the rate plan is inherited from an existing rate plan. Select a rate plan in the list in this case.

[Inherit From Rate Plan]

  • Rate Plan: Select the parent Rate Plan

  • Room Modification Type: Select the type for the adjustment from the base rate (by percentage or by amount)

  • Room Modification: Adjustment percentage or amount from the base rate

  • Room Rounding Type: Select the type of rounding

    • Rounding None

    • Rounding up

    • Round down

    • Rounding Mround, Rounding Mround Up và Roudning Mround Down

  • Room Rounding To: Select the decimal to be rounded

Select “Advanced

  • Keep Inherit Extra: Maintain the same price for extra adult and child of the origin rate.

  • Inherit Package: Inherit the packages from the origin rate.

Submit: Select Submit to create the rate plan. You will be redirected to the Rate Plan Details screen.

[Assign Package] - Assign Global Package to the Global Rate

Select the Edit icon, go to the tab Packages.

Select the trash icon to delete a package.

Import Rate Plan Template

Use this template to import the Rate Plan to the system.

20201103 - Sample Global Rate.xlsx

II. Property Distribute - Distribute the Global Rate Plan to the properties

  • Exact Match: Select this option if you want to search exactly the rate code

  • Select the rate plans that you want to distribute

  • Select the properties where you want to distribute the rate plan

  • Select Property Distribute. Select Confirm to distribute the rate or Cancel to skip the changes.

After distributing, the Update Rate Plan Template will have another tab “Property” where the list of distributed properties displays.



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