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[Eng] Reservation - Arrivals Detailed

Report Name

Arrivals Detailed

Log in – Front Office – BI Reports – Reservation – Arrivals Detailed

Report Summary

  1. The report lists all arrival reservations for the selected date range

  2. The report is made up of the 3 following sections:

    1. Arrival by Arrival Date: displays Reservations with an Arrival Date within the selected date range

    2. Arrival by Staying Date: displays Reservations with a Stay Date that falls within the selected date range

    3. Arrival with Inventory: displays Reservations with an Arrival Date within the selected date range, include the selected Inventory items attached to the Reservation (such as: extra bed, baby cot, etc.)

  3. The report allows you to filter by area (in case the property has different areas) and by the type of guests (main guest or sharers)

  4. Indicators:

  • Staying Date: Staying Date of guests

  • Room No.: Room Number assigned to the reservation

  • Confirmation No.: Confirmation Number assigned to the reservation

  • Iti No.: Itinerary Number

  • Reservation Status: Reservation Status

  • Guest Name: Name of the Guest

  • Vip Code: VIP Code of the Guest

  • TA/Com Name: Name of the Company/Travel Agent

  • Arrival Date: Arrival Date assigned to the reservation

  • Departure Date: Departure Date assigned to the reservation

  • ETA: Expected Time Arrival

  • ETD: Expected Time Departure

  • Health Declaration Code: Health Declaration Code

  • Check in Date: Actual Check-in Date

  • Checkout Date: Actual Check-out Date

  • No Of Room: Number of rooms in the reservation

  • Adult: Total number of adults

  • Child: Total number of children

  • Infant: Total number of infants

  • Block Code: Code of the Group reservation

  • Rate Code: Rate code attached to the reservation

  • Room Type Code: Code of the Room Type

  • Comment: Comment attached to the reservation

  • Special Request: Special Requests of the Guest

  • Cross Selling: Confirmation Number of the reservation (in case this reservation is transferred from another property)

  • Guest Status: Status of the Guest

  • Inventory Name: Name of the inventory items attached to the reservation

  • Inventory Qty: Quantity of the inventory item

  • Inventory Start Date: When the guest expects to use the inventory item

  • Inventory End Date: When the guest expects to release the inventory item

Refresh frequency

Every 30 minutes.



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