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[Eng] Restaurants

Screen Name


Log in – Property Management – Restaurant


The screen allows you to configure the list of restaurants of the property.


Fields Description

A restaurant has the following information:

  • #: Order Number

  • Restaurant Name: Name of the restaurant

  • Floor: Floor where the restaurant is located

  • Open – Closure Time: Open and closing time of the restaurant

  • Phone: Contact phone number of the restaurant

  • Maximum Capacity: Maximum capacity of the restaurant

  • Status: Status of the restaurant (Active/Inactive). You can activate/inactivate a restaurant by clicking on the toggle.

  • Action:

    • Edit: Edit the details of the meeting room

    • Delete: Delete the meeting room

Add a new restaurant

[Basic Information]

  • Restaurant Name: Name of the restaurant

  • Description: Description of the restaurant

  • Area: Area where the restaurant is located

  • Block: Block where the restaurant is located

  • Floor: Floor where the restaurant is located

  • Begin Date: Opening Date of the restaurant

  • Status: Status of the restaurant (Active/Inactive)

[Extended Information]

  • Maximum Capacity: Maximum capacity of the restaurant

  • Phone: Contact phone number of the restaurant

  • Address: Address of the restaurant

  • Outlet Code: Code of the restaurant

  • Cost Center: Reference Field (Optional)

[Open – Closure Time]

  • Day of Week

  • Time Of Day

  • Open Time

  • Close Time

  • Select “Add Time” to add a new open and closing time of the restaurant

[Media Information] – You can upload photos or videos about the restaurant to illustrate


The system will prompt an alert when deleting a restaurant.

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