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[Eng] Restriction

Screen Name


Log in – Rate Service Management – Restriction


The screen allows you to set up the restriction for the property, by room type and rate plan.

  1. Restriction Type:

    1. Close: Close sale for a Property/Room Type/Rate Plan during a period

    2. Open: Open sell for a Property/Room Type/Rate Plan

    3. Min LOS (Length of Stay): Minimum length of stay of the reservation counted from the arrival date

    4. Max LOS (Length of Stay): Maximum length of stay of the reservation counted from the arrival date

    5. Min Advance Booking: Minimum number of days booking window that are allowed to book in advance

    6. Max Advance Booking: Maximum number of days booking window that are allowed to book in advance

    7. Min Stay Through: Minimum number of days through the restriction date

    8. Max Stay Through: Maximum number of days through the restriction date

  2. Restriction Level:

    1. Property: Set restriction for all Room Types and Rate Plan of the property

    2. Room type: Set restriction for Room Type(s)

    3. Rate: Set restriction for Rate Plan(s)

    4. Room and Rate: Set restriction for the couple Room-Rate


Restrictions Management

  • When the restriction is set, this will be displayed on the Restriction screen with various color codes corresponding to each type of restriction (you can refer to the color code at the bottom of the page).

  • If there is more than 1 restriction set for a day, you will see the asterisk “*” displayed for this day.

  • Expand: Expand to view more information about Hotel/Room types/Rate Plan/Room-Rate.

  • Collapse: Collapse Hotel/Room types/Rate Plan/Room-Rate information to optimize page loading data.

Fields Description


  • Select the property that you want to see the restrictions

  • Select the Room Types/Rate Plans/Restrictions/OOO (Out of Order)/Overbook

  • Clear all filters

The restrictions will be displayed by day.

Set Restriction by Property

  • Out Of Order: Total number of out of order rooms

  • Overbooking: The number of hotel/villa rooms allowed to overbook (this is for maximizing the revenue for the property).

  • Temp Deduct: Temporarily held room allotment funds by agents while awaiting payment completion.

  • Deducted: Total number of rooms that are deducted from the inventory

  • Availability: Total number of available rooms to sell

  • Occupancy: Occupancy of the property

  • Restrictions: List of restrictions of the property

    • Close

    • Max LOS

    • Mix LOS

    • Max Stay Through

    • Min Stay Through

Set Restriction by Room Type

Set Restriction by Rate Plan

Bulk update restriction



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