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[Eng] (Return Check)

Screen Name


Log in – Select Outlet - Select Order


This screen allows to return check which need to be corrected in case of the transaction date different with the current business date


Do the following steps to return check

  1. Select tab “Closed”

  2. Search order number

  3. Select order

  4. Click Return as picture below


6. The details will be shown as picture below → Click Pay and confirm to Return

7. Select reason → Click OK

Note: In case of returning “Room charge” bill which have been checked out, system will notify return failed and ask for new room for room charge.

  • Click Cancel order to cancel Return and the opposite bill will change the status to cancel, the origin still could be return after (if any)

  • Click Post to return and the origin couldn’t returned anymore.


Only user have related permission can do this action

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