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[Eng] Revenue Report

Screen Name

Revenue Report

Log in – Transportation - Report - Revenue


The report shows detailed information about the revenue of transportation services on the property


Fields Description

Search information field

  • Pickup date: Select the period to Export the report

  • Pickup route: Select the Pickup route to Export the report

  • Transport Type: Select the Transport Type to Export the report

  • Assignee: Select the Assignee to Export the report

  • File type ( Excel/ PDF): Select the File type to Export the report

  • Click on Group booking to search the task of group booking

  • Select the settings icon to add or hide the fields of information to show in the report

Result screen

  • Order number/#

  • Task Code

  • Status

  • Assignee

  • Car Type/ No. Plate

  • Created At/By

  • Updated At/By

  • Transport Type

  • Pax

  • Pickup Route

  • Price

  • Extend Price

  • Total Price

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