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[Eng] RM - Room Management

Screen Name

Room Management

Log in – Room Management – Room Management


The Room Management screen allows you to search and manage the details of the room, update the room status, and export the report.


Fields Description

[Navigation bar]

  • Export: Export the report to PDF/Excel format

  • Today, the application supports the following reports:

    • All: Export all the reports

    • Out of Service: Export the report for Out of Service rooms

    • Out Of Order: Export the report for Out of Order rooms

    • Both OOS and OOO: Export the report for both Out of Service and Out of Order rooms

    • Room Discrepancy: Export the report for the rooms having the discrepancy of status

    • Room Status Change: Export the report for the rooms

  • Export: Select export to download the report

  • Close: Select close to cancel the export

  • Sync room: Synchronize the latest update on the status

[Filter] – Filter criteria

  • Room: Enter the Room Number that you want to view the status

  • Room Type: Select the Room Type from the list of values

  • Room Class: Select the Room Class from the list of values

  • Floor: Select the Floor from the list of values

  • Block: Select the Block from the list of values

  • Room Status: Select the statuses of the room (Clean, Dirty, Pickup,…)

  • Reservation Status: Select the statuses of the reservation (Arrival, Arrived, Day Use, Due Out,…)

  • FO Status: Select the FO statuses of the room (Vacant, Occupied)

  • HK Status: Select the HK statuses of the room

  • VIP: Select the VIP rooms

Select Search to apply the filter.

[Results] – Search results

  • If there is no filter applied, the system displays by default all the physical rooms in the property order by the lower to higher floor. The in-house rooms will be displayed first.

[Quick Update Room Status] - Update the room status

  • Select the rooms that you want to change the status

  • Select Quick Update Room Status:

    • Select the Room Status After Night Audit: the status to that the room will change after running the End of day process.

    • Select Save to apply the changes or Cancel to close the popup.

    • If the system cannot find the related rooms, the buttons Cancel and Save will be disabled.


You can also change the room status or the room discrepancy status directly from the Room Management screen.

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