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[Eng] Room Availability

Screen Name

Room Availability

Log in – Front Office – Room Availability


The Room Availability screen displays the number of available rooms of the property by date and by room class or room type


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

Look up the room availability by the following criteria:

  • From: Available from date

  • Room Class: Select from the Room Class list of values

  • Room Type: Select from the Room Class list of values

  • View mode: Allows to view the availability by 1 day/7 days/30 days

[Results] – Search results

Search by Room Class

Search by Room Type

The grid displays the number of availabilities by date and room class/room type with the following information:

  • Row: display the date of week and the date on each row

  • Column: display the room class or room type on each column

  • The number of available rooms is displayed on the cell with the following details

    • Room Type Name (For example: Villa 3-Bedroom)

    • (I): Inventory: physical inventory

    • (A): Availability: total available rooms that are opening to sell

    • (D): Deducted: total of rooms that are sold

    • (OCC.%): Occupancy %



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