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[Eng] Room Type

Screen Name

Room Type

Log in – Property Management – Room Type


The screen allows you to configure the list of room types of the property.


Fields Description

The list of room types has the following information

  • #: Order Number

  • Code: Code of the Room Type

  • Name: Name of the Room Type

  • Default Occupancy: Default number of guests for the room type

  • Max Occupancy: Maximum number of guests allowed for the room type

  • Max Adult: Maximum number of adults allowed for the room type

  • Max Children: Maximum number of children allowed for the room type

  • Number Of Room: Total number of physical rooms for the room type

  • Total Room: Total of Rooms = Total of physical rooms + Total of pseudo rooms

  • Is Combined: The room type is combined/shared with this room type

  • Status: Status of the Room Type (Active/Inactive). You can activate/inactivate a room type by clicking on the toggle.

  • Action:

    • Edit: Edit the details of the room type

    • Delete: Delete a room type

Add a new room type

You can add manually a new group or import from an Excel file.

[Basic Information]

  • Code: Code of the Room Type

  • Name: Name of the Room Type

  • Room Class: Select from the Room Classes list of values

  • Status: Status of the Room Type (Active/Inactive). You can activate/inactivate a room type by clicking on the toggle.

  • Type Of Room: Type of the room (Hotel Room, Resort, etc.)

  • Is Combined: The room type is combined/shared with this room type

  • Description: Description of the Room Type

[Extended Information]

  • Default Occupancy: Default number of guests for the room type

  • Max Occupancy: Maximum number of guests allowed for the room type

  • Max Adult: Maximum number of adults allowed for the room type

  • Max Children: Maximum number of children allowed for the room type

  • Room Size: Superficies of the room type

  • Square Unit Type: Unit of the superficies

  • Number Of Room: Total number of physical rooms for the room type

  • Total Room: Total of Rooms = Total of physical rooms + Total of pseudo rooms

  • Room View: View of the room type

  • No. Of Bed: Total number of beds reserved for the room type

  • Type Of Bed: Type of bed reserved for the room type

  • No. Of Bedroom: Total number of bedrooms reserved for the room type

  • Max Extra Bed: Maximum of extra beds reserved for the room type

[Media Information] – Upload the illustration photos of the room type

[Amenities] – Select the list of amenities available for the room type

[Feature] – Select the list of Room Features available for the room type

Language - Language displayed on the hotel's website

Select “Export PDF” to download the list of room types to PDF file.


The system will prompt an alert when deleting a room type.

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