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[Eng] Roster Management

Screen Name

Roster Management

Log in – Housekeeping – Roster Management


The function allows you to manage the roster and the shift of the staff.


Fields Description

How to assign shifts to housekeeping staff.

Select Assignee

[Tab Shift]

The Tab allows you to search and display the details of each created shift. Each shift is a cell in the screen and displays by day with the following information:

  • Name: Name of the shift

  • From Time – To Time: Start and End time of the shift

  • Date: Working Date

  • Staff: Name of the staff

  • Actions:

    • Add Assignee: Assign a staff to a shift. The feature allows you to assign individually 1 staff or a group of staff.

      • Select the staff

      • Apply From: Select the From date

      • To: Select the To date

      • Repeat: Select the repeat date of the week

  • Remove staff from a shift

  1. Click on the number of staff to display the list of assignees

  2. Select the 'x' icon to remove the staff from this shift



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