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[Eng] Serving Periods

Screen Name

Serving Periods

Log in – Configurations - Trx Code Settings - Serving Periods


The screen allows to config service time information to record revenue to CiHMS-PMS


Fields Description

Serving Period screen is made up by following sections:

  • Name: Name of serving time to create transaction code

  • Outlet

  • Code: You can take the first 3 numbers of the transaction code (Outlet + Period) or set the code to determine the stage of each outlet's order.

  • Start Time

  • End Time

  • Action:

    • Edit: Click to edit serving period

    • Delete: Click to delete serving period

To add serving period, enter the following information:


Transaction code of products consists of 4 numbers (ABCD) configured from:

  • Outlet code + Period code: ABC

  • Category code: D

The system will automatically create the corresponding transaction code for each product in the order at the time of recording

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