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[Eng] Task Assignment

Screen Name

Task Assignment

Log in – Housekeeping – Task Assignment


The screen provides the list of tasks of the property.


Fields Description

The screen is made up of the 2 following sections:

(1) [Group Task] – Create the cleaning calendar for the HK department

The screen allows you to create the group of tasks for each day and each shift.

Step 1: Select the date, the shift, and the number of groups that you want to create in the calendar

  • Pickup Date: Cleaning Date

  • Session: Select from the shifts that are pre-configured

  • Quantity Group Task: Select the number of groups that you want to split and assign the tasks

Step 2: Select “Filter” to search for the list of rooms that need to be cleaned

[Filter] – Search criteria

  • FO Status: FO Status of the room (Vacant / Occupied)

  • Room Status:

    • Dirty

    • Clean

    • Inspected

    • Pickup

    • OOS (Out Of Service)

    • OOO (Out of order)

  • Reservation Status: Status of the reservation

  • Room No.: Room Number that needs to be cleaned

  • Room Type: Room Type of the Room

[Result] – Search results

Step 3: Enter the number of group tasks that you want to create in the field “Quantity Group Task” and click “Generate”. The system will create such columns in the calendar and auto assign the rooms into each group. The rooms are sorted by room number ascendant.

For example: There are 17 rooms and split into 3 groups

Group 1 = round(17/3,0) = 6

Group 2 = round(17/3,0) = 6

Group 3 = 17 – Group 1 – Group 2 = 5

You can always move the room to another group by drag and drop them.

Step 4: Click on the number on the top right to assign the staff into each group. You can assign one or many staff.

Step 5: The assigned group will be sent to the tab Task Management.

Action buttons

  • Edit Order: Modify the shift that is already assigned

    • You can add/remove a staff to/from the shift

    • Drag and drop a room to add/remove to/from the shift

  • Reset: Reset the shift from initial

  • Export: Preview the list of assigned tasks or export to Excel/PDF file

(2) [Task Management] – Manage the cleaning schedule

The screen allows you to manage the cleaning schedule in detail and the progress of each task. Each schedule has 4 statuses:

  1. To Do: Default status when creating

  2. In Progress: When the HK staff click on Start (on their mobile Staff App), the task changes the status to In Progress

  3. On Hold: Task is pending due to an issue waiting to resolve

  4. Done: Task is completed

Update the status of the schedule for each staff

Step 1: Click on the name of the staff, the system will display the list of rooms assigned to this staff.

Step 2: At the column “Task Status”, click on the down arrow to update the status of the task.

Step 3: Select “Update” to save the changes.

Update the status of the room

For the completed tasks, the HK can update the status of the related room.

Step 1: Click on the name of the staff, the system will display the list of rooms assigned to this staff.

Step 2: At the column “Room Status” click on the down arrow to update the status of the room.

Step 3: Select “Update” to save the changes.



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