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[Eng] Task Management Dashboard

Screen Name


Log in – Task Management – Dashboard


The screen provides an overview of the task lists of the department, as well as the status and the progression of them.


Fields Description

1. Filters

  • Created At: Select the created date when the tasks were created

  • Due Date: Select the due date of the tasks

  • Department: Select the department that you want to display the tasks list (the system only supports the departments that have already had a pre-configured task template).

  • Status: Select the status of the tasks

2. General information

  • In-progress: display the number of in progress tasks and the total number of tasks

  • Complete: display the number of completed tasks and the total number of tasks

  • Task Completion Rate: the chart shows the percentage of completed tasks compared to the total number of tasks

List of created tasks:

  • Task Name

  • Status of task

  • Task Code

  • Creator


You can click on each task on the dashboard to view the details of the task.

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