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[Eng] Tenders Summary

Screen Name

Tenders Summary

Log in – Configurations - Reports - Tenders - Tenders Summary


The screen displays tender summary (payment summary)


Fields Description


  • Filter by outlet (All Outlets will be displayed by default)

  • Filter by business Date

  • Filter by transaction date (normal date from 00:00 to 23:59 )

    • Date Time is only filtered by either one: Business Date or The System Date Time (Start Date Time + End Date Time)

    • By default, screen displays data of Transaction Date Yesterday

  • Filter by tender (payment type)

Report template

  • The report can be exported according to the selected filter in excel format by clicking the Export button.

  • Click to payment type to see the details

  • Fields description:

    • Tender Type: payment method according to the selected filter

    • Total: Total amount corresponding payment method

    • Total Percent: Percentages calculated according to the value of each type of payment

    • Count: The number of orders paid for by each type of payment method

    • Average: The average value of each order paid in each payment method



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