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[Eng] Update Hard Block

Screen Name

Update Hard Block

Log in – Rate Service Management – Allotment – Tab Hard Block – Update Hard Block


The screen allows you to update the details of a Hard Block Allotment (HB)


Fields Description

[Tab Info] - Edit the details of Hard Block Allotment

  • Select the Edit icon to go to the Update Hard Block screen.

  • Enter the following information: Name, From - To, Distribution Channel, Nationality

  • Select Update to save the changes

  • Select Cancel to skip the changes

[Tab Info] - Config Rate Plan for HB Allotment

  • Select Config Rate

  • Select the Rate Plan in the list to assign to the HB

  • You can filter by the Rate Code

  • Assigned Rate Plan: Only display the rate codes that are assigned to the HB

  • Select Submit to save the changes

  • Select Cancel to skip the changes

[Tab Detail Configs] - Create Cut Off Day

Select the icon Quick Bulk Update on the Cut Off Day

Enter the following information:

  • Cut Off Days: Enter the Cut Off Days

  • By Season: Apply the cut off days by season

  • By Range of date: Apply the cut off days by a range of date

  • Select Save to save the changes

  • Select Cancel to skip the changes

[Tab Detail Configs] - Create the details for HB Allotment

Select Update Details to add the details of number of rooms for HB Allotment

Enter the following information:

  • Max Number of Room: Maximum number of rooms that are available to sell

  • Date: Applied date range

  • Day of Week: Select the days in the week

  • Add Date Range: Add a new date range

  • Room Type: Select the room types to apply

  • Select Save to save the changes

  • Select Cancel to skip the changes

You can also quickly update the number of rooms for a room type by selecting the icon “Quick Bulk Update” on each room type row.

[Tab Detail Configs] - Delete the details of HB Allotment

Select the Trash icon to remove a detail of the HB.



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