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[Eng] User Activity Log

Screen Name

User Activity Log

Log in – Front Office – User Activity Log


The User Activity Log screen allows you to search the actions that are performed on the system.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

  • Activity Group: Select the group of activities that you want to search for

  • Activity Type: Select the type of activity that you want to search for

  • Description: Enter the description of the action

  • From: Select from the calendar the “From date” for the date range within that the action was taken

  • To: Select from the calendar the “To date” for the date range within that the action was taken

  • Username: Enter the name of the user who performed the action

  • Show inactive user: Shows also the inactive users

  • Select “+” to add more search field

[Result] – Search results

  • Date Time: Date & Time when the action was taken

  • Name: Name of the user making the change

  • Action Type: Type of action

  • Description: Detailed description of the action

[Buttons] – Action buttons

  • Export: Click Export button to export the report User Activity Log in PDF format. The default name is Activity Log-dd/mm/yy-hhmm



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