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[Eng] Users

Screen Name


Log in – Configurations - Users


List of users


Fields Description

Sync User (declared in Admin Setting / User Management)

  • Synchronize user information used in the F&B module

List of user is made up by following sections:

  • Full Name

  • Email

  • Outlets that users can operate on POS / tablet

  • Card Available: User has been issued a card (used for Void/ Re-open/ Return orders)

  • Action:

    • Edit: Update username (if undeclared), assign user to outlets

    • Assign cards to users: Physical cards are assigned to the user if the user is a Manager and is entitled to Void item/ Re-open/ Return orders. For these operations, if you are not logged in to the account of the user with the permission, you can use the card to do it further. Click on the card button, tab the card to the card reader connected to the machine to assign the card.

    • Cancel assigned card: If the user already has a physical card, for any reason it is necessary to unassign the card, can click on this icon to perform unassignment

Check card

Do the following steps to check card

  • Click button next to button Sync User, click Check Card

  • Tap the card to the card reader to check which user information is attached to the card being checked (if applicable)

Assign/ Un-assign user in/out of Outlet

  • It is possible to make edits directly for each user, or assign multiple users by following steps:

  • Click button as picture below → click Assign

  • Select Outlet to add user, The list of existing users in the outlet will be displayed immediately below:

  • Select the user you want to add to the Outlet/ Or remove the user from the Outlet


Only users assigned to outlets can be operated on tablets in assigned outlets.

Users who are assigned to the Web Portal in each category of the decentralized menu can see the information of all Outlets

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