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[Eng] Zero Rate Rooms

Report Name

Zero Rate Rooms

Log in – Front Office – Reports – Zero Rate Rooms

Report Summary

The report displays all reservations that have zero rates.

Report Filter

  • Room Type: Select from the Room Types list of values

  • Room: Select from the Rooms list of values or leave it empty

  • Include Pseudo Rooms: Select this option if you want to include also the pseudo rooms

  • Sort By: Sort by Room Number, Balance, Departure Date

  • Sort Direction: ASC - Ascending or DESC - Descending

  • Export Type: Choose the format that you want to export the report (PDF or Excel)

Report Form

Column Description

  • Room No.: Room Number assigned to the reservation

  • Name: Name of the Guest

  • Prs. (Person): Total number of people in the room

  • Mkt. Code: Market Code attached to the reservation

  • Arr. Date: Arrival Date assigned to the reservation

  • Dep. Date: Departure Date assigned to the reservation

  • Balance: Actual outstanding of guests

  • Room Type: Actual Room Type on the reservation

  • Comp.: Indicate if the reservation has a complimentary rate (Y/N)

  • Company: Name of the Company

  • Travel Agent: Name of the Travel Agent

  • Payment Method: Method of payment used to pay for the reservation



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