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Event Details

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Event Details

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Event Details



Fields Description

Booking information:

  • Name: Event Name (One booking can contain multiple events)

  • Booking: Booking containing the event

  • Property: Event organizing facility

  • Start – End: Start and end time of the event

  • Venue: Location where the event is held

  • Event type: Event classification

  • Guaranteed attendees: Number of attendees guaranteed to attend

  • Expected attendees: Number of attendees expected to attend (Expected attendees count is usually greater than the guaranteed attendees count)

  • Max capacity – Setup, Setup duration, Cleanup duration: Automatically filled based on the venue, editable

  • Rental amount: Venue rental cost (excluding retail service charges)

  • Listed price: Revenue based on published prices

  • Sale price: Total price of services, approximating initial revenue

  • Actual Price: Actual revenue after the event

  • BEO (in PDF): Banquet Event Order in PDF format



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