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My Allotment

Screen Name

My Allotment

Booking Portal >> Log in >> My Allotment


Screen displaying each room inventory of the Agent corresponding to the property




Fields Description

  1. How to search for room availability:


(1) Enter the hotel you want to view room inventory for.

(2) Choose the time period you want to view room inventory (only allows selection for a maximum of 15 nights).

(3) If there is room availability, it will list the available rooms.

(4) Click "Search.

  1. View my allotment:


(1) View room inventory details, click on the arrow icon.

(2) Select the time period displayed for room inventory below.

(3) How to view room inventory:

  • If the data between "date" and "room type" shows "0," it means there are no rooms available for sale.

  • If there is data, that number represents the maximum number of rooms available for sale on that day.

(Example: for the date column 11/01/2024, for the room type KDLN, the maximum allowed to sell is 6 rooms.)

(4) After viewing the room inventory, if you want to make a reservation, click "Create Reservation": The screen will automatically switch to the "Reservation" section.



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