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Log in >> Central Profile >> Partners


Used to manage the profile of agents/companies​





Fields Description

  • Full Name: Name of the Agency

  • Company Name: Agent's Profile Name

  • Channel: Agent's Channe

  • Type: Agent or Company

  • Status: Active or Inactive

  • Action:

o (1) Update: Update the information of the created Agent

o (2) Inactive: Click here, and it will switch to Inactive status

o (3) Filter: Search by name, tax ID, filter by status


o (4) Export , Import, Update comcat, Create




To create a profile, you need to fill in the following:

  • Basic Information:

  1. Partner Code

  2. Company Name

  3. Bussiness Name

  4. Belong to Profile/ Crsprofile_accountmanager

  5. Distribution channel

  6. /Type: categorize by channels such as Call Center, Corporate,…

  7. Note

  8. Phone

  9. Email

  10. Address

  • Financial information:


  1. Tax Number

  2. Billing Address

  3. Business Email

  4. Limit: Allowed amount limit, must not exceed

  5. Payment Due Date: Payment time allocated for agents, must not exceed this deadline; if it exceeds, it will be considered as overdue debt

  6. Account Recivable Number : Record the accounts payable of the Agent

  7. Beneficiary

  8. Domestic Bank Account (VNĐ)

  9. Oversea Bank Account (USD)

  10. Bank name

  11. Branch

  12. SWIFT Code

  • Setting:

  1. Crsprofile_applydiscount: turn on this flag for the agent who wants to apply a discount

  2. Send a booking confirmation email to the user: is an option where every booking confirmation email of the profile is additionally sent to the specified email address.

After filling in all the necessary information, click the Submit button


Items marked with an asterisk (*) require mandatory information. If not filled in, the data will not be saved

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