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Reservation/My reservation

Screen Name


Booking Portal >> Log in >> Reservation/My reservation


Display screen showing the history list of bookings that the Agent has made on the system




Fields Description

  1. Reservation: This section is for Admin-privileged users, who will be able to look up all bookings made by other users.

(1) On this page, users will enter the necessary search information:

  • Itinerary Code: Rooms booked simultaneously will be grouped under one Itinerary Code.

  • Booking Code: Each room has a unique booking code, which is used to confirm with the booking department of the facility.

  • Other information fields: Booker's name / company name / check-in date / check-out date.

(2) Click "Search"


  1. My Reservation:

This section is for reservation staff, allowing them to only search for bookings created by the specific user. Simply enter any of the information fields below, and the system will provide results without the need to select all information fields.


  1. Edit Booking Information:

After performing a search, the system will display the bookings that have been made. The user can then select the booking that needs to be edited to modify the information.






(1) Select 'Edit' on the booking

(2) Edit the booking information. The fields shaded in gray are hidden and cannot be adjusted.

(3) Choose 'Save Changes'

=> The system will send an "Booking Amendment" email notifying about the booking modification.

  1. Cancel Booking:

Option 1: Cancel each booking by selecting "Edit" => Cancel Booking


Option 2: Cancel multiple bookings by selecting multiple bookings on the "Reservation Hold/Booking Holds for the Night" screen => Cancel Booking.

  1. Export to Excel: On the "Reservation /My Reservation" screen, click the "Export Excel" button to export the list of bookings to an Excel file.




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