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Screen Name


Log in >> Central Profiles >> Users


Used for User Management


Screen displaying the list of users



Fields Description

  • Full Name:

  • Email

  • Group

  • Partner profile

  • Status: Active/Deactive

  • Functional buttons:

o (a) Update: Allow editing User information

o (b) Disable: check/select if you want to deactivate this User

o (c) Reset Password: This feature is designed to kick out the person currently using the software from the system


  • Filter : Supports quick user search



(1) Search by user email

(2) Search by company name

(3) Search by permission group

(4) Activity status

(5) Click Filter

Create new User



Follow these steps:

(1) Enter Title >> (2) Last Name >> (3) First Name >> (4) Email >> (5) A Member Of (Affiliated Company) >> (6) User Group >> (7) Phone >> (8) Address >> (9) Choose to send account notification emails to the user >> (10) Submit


For agents, only assign the rights to Reserve and Hold. Do not assign any other rights.

Fields marked with an asterisk "*" are mandatory to fill in.

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