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[ENG] Asset Categories

Screen Name

Asset Categories

Login - Asset Management - Asset Configuration - Asset Categories.


The screen displays the entire list of asset categories.


Fields Description

I. Filter and search conditions:

  • Parent category: Select the parent group.

  • Labelling: Select labeled or unlabeled to search for.

  • Inventory Checked: Select inventory or non-inventory

  • Status: Select the status.

  • Equipment: Select the type equipment.

  • Clear all: Clear all previously selected filter conditions.

II. Asset Categories information fields:

  • Name

  • Code

  • Labelling

  • Inventory checked

  • parent category

  • Equipment

  • Modify date

III. Main functions:


  • (1) Create a new asset categories: users can use the "Create" function on the asset categories list screen and fill in all the marked information fields.

  • (2) Export: Download the entire list of asset categories in Excel format or download a few lines.

  • (3) Import: When creating multiple asset categories at once, users can use this function.

  • (4) View details: Users can choose to view details to see general information.

  • (5) Edit asset categories: Users can edit information fields similar to the new asset categories creation step.

  • (6) Delete asset categories: When an asset category is no longer needed, users can delete it or choose to delete multiple lines at once.



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