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[ENG] General Report

Screen Name

General Report

Login - Plant Maintenance - Work order Report - General Report


Reports help management team control the employee's performance.


Fields Description

I. Filter and Search Conditions:

  • Users can filter and search for detailed reports based on the following information fields:

    • Status

    • Order type

    • Order Source

    • Function Location

    • Due Date

    • Created Date

    • Organization: In case the user is authorized for multiple properties and needs to view a specific report for one property, they can go to the organization section to select that property.

    • Select "Deselect All" to remove the selected filter conditions.

  • Alternatively, users can choose to view default settings for 7 or 30 days prior.

  • Select "Export" to view the detailed report in Excel file format.

II. Information Fields

(1) Task Summary: The system will display the total number of task based on the time frame that the user has filtered and searched for.

  • The total number of tasks will be displayed in terms of the number of tasks and the total percentage.

  • The number of tasks will be displayed based on the following statuses: New, In Progress, On Hold, Completed, or Cancelled.

  • Users can click on the number of tasks to view the details.

(2) Notice: Display the number of tasks that are approaching the deadline and the number of tasks that are overdue within the user's search time frame.

(3) Data Overview:

  • Order types: Display the number of orders based on order type.

  • Orders source: Display the number of orders based on order source.

(1) Activity Detail Report: Users can view the total number of tasks, the number of completed tasks, and the number of incomplete tasks for each department here.

(2) Detail Task Summary Report:

Click on the icon :mũi_tên: to view the list of tasks in detail.

  • The report displays the details of the tasks that the user has been assigned to perform within the user's search time frame.

  • Clicking on the task name will display the task assignment form that the user needs to view.

  • Rows with a pink background indicate tasks that are overdue, and the expiration date will be displayed in red.



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