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[ENG] Stock-take Plans

Screen Name

Stock-take Plans

Login – Asset Management – Stock-take – Inventory Adjustment Plans


The screen manages the entire list of Inventory Adjustment Plans of the facility


Fields Description

I. Filter and search Inventory Adjustment Plans

  • Search: Users can search for inventory adjustment plans by plan code or plan name.

  • Department: Users can select a department to filter the search results.

  • Status: Users can filter the search results by the status of the inventory adjustment plan.

    • Draft: Users can create a draft inventory adjustment plan that is not yet complete and can be adjusted or edited.

    • Active: Users can create a completed inventory audit plan that cannot be edited.

  • Time: Users can select a time range to search for inventory adjustment plans.

  • Clear all: Users can clear all previously selected filters.

II. The fields for Inventory Adjustment Plans

Click on "Display" to tick the fields of information that the user wants to show

III. The main functions

  • (1) Create an Inventory Adjustment Plan: When there is a specific plan for inventory audit time in the year, users can use the audit plan creation function to create a schedule for departments that have repeated audit times during the year or over a long period of time.

    • Create general information: Fill in all required information with asterisks.

      • Plan name: Enter the name of the inventory plan.

      • Department: Select the department that needs to create an inventory adjustment plan.

      • Property: The system will default to the name of the property.

      • Attach documents: Attach relevant documents related to the inventory adjustment plan.

      • Time: Select the time to perform the inventory adjustment plan.

    •  Setup Schedule: Select the option to create an audit schedule to set up the inventory adjustment schedule.

      • Date Range: select the time to perform the inventory adjustment plan.

      • Recurrence: choose to repeat the audit multiple times within the time frame of the inventory adjustment plan

      • Recur Every: The repetition can be set to occur on a daily or monthly basis.

    • After adding an inventory adjustment schedule, the system will display the audit sessions according to the set schedule. Users can edit or delete the created schedules as needed.

    • To complete the creation of an inventory adjustment plan, users can select "Update Plan" After creating the inventory adjustment plan, the system will generate audit sessions in draft status. Users can edit or delete the created audit sessions as needed.

  • (2) View the details of an inventory adjustment plan

  • (3) Edit inventory adjustment plan

    • The inventory adjustment plan can be edited when it is in draft status.

    • The fields that can be edited are similar to the ones in the "Create an Inventory Adjustment Plan" section.

  • (4) Delete inventory adjustment plan

    • The inventory adjustment plan can only be deleted when it is in draft status.



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