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[ENG] Stock-take Sessions

Screen Name

Stock-take Sessions

Login – Asset Management – Stock-take – Inventory Adjustment Sessions


The screen manages the entire list of Inventory Adjustment Sessions of the facility



Fields Description

I. Filter and search Inventory Adjustment Sessions

  • Search: Users can search by inventory session code or name

  • Department: Select department.

  • Status: The status of the inventory session:

    • Draft: Create an incomplete session, which can be adjusted and edited

    • Submitted: After creating a session and selecting an approver, the session will be in the submit state

    • Rejected: After the approver rejects the inventory session. In this state, users can edit the information and resubmit for approval.

    • Approved: After the approver approves the inventory session. In this state, the assigned person can perform the inventory on the Mobile App.

    • Closed session: After the assigned person completes the asset inventory and closes the inventory session on the Mobile App, the system will switch to the closed session state on the web.

  • Time: Select the time range to search for inventory sessions.

  • Clear all: Clear all previously selected filter conditions.

II. The fields for Inventory Adjustment sessions

Click on "Display" to tick the fields of information that the user wants to show

III. The main functions

  • (1) Export: Export the inventory session list in excel file format.

  • (2) Create inventory session: Consists of 5 steps:

    • (1) General Information:

      • To complete step 1 of creating an inventory session, users need to enter the required information fields marked with an asterisk (*) similar to the information fields in the create inventory plan section. After entering all the required information fields, users can save the file and proceed to step 2 of creating an inventory session.

    • (2) Confirm Asset list:

      • Participants: To select the inventory personnel for an inventory session, users can choose one or multiple employees to participate in the session.

      • Confirm Asset List: To add inventory items to the session, users can click on the funnel icon to filter the items based on specific criteria to ensure that only the necessary items are included in the session. After filtering, users can click on the search button to retrieve the list of inventory items that need to be checked.

      • (1) If there are individual inventory items that need to be checked separately, users can select those items in the inventory list to check them individually.

      • After checking the list of inventory items that need to be checked in this session, users can select "Confirm Assets" to proceed to the next steps.

      • In addition, users can choose to export the inventory list in Excel format by selecting (2) "Export data" to check all the information before confirming the inventory list.

      • The system also supports users to upload the inventory file by selecting (3) "Import".

    • (3) Submit: To add an approver for the inventory session, users can select "Add step" to add multiple approvers for the session.

    • (4) Approve:

      • After the user completes step 3, the system will notify the approver to approve or reject the inventory session.

      • The approver can access the notification or go to the inventory session details to perform the approval process.

      • After the user approves the inventory session in step 3, the session will be in the approved state. The assigned person can then open the Mobile App to perform the inventory

    • (5) View Inventory results: The inventory results will be synchronized to the system as soon as the inventory person updates the results on the app.

      • (1) Click "Export" to download the inventory results in Excel format

      • (2) Create an inventory report: users can select "Create report” and follow the specific steps for the inventory management system being used báo cáo kiểm kê

  • (3) To view the details of the inventory session, users can select the session and access the session details.

  • (4) Edit inventory session:

    • The inventory session can be edited when it is in draft or rejected status.

    • The information fields that can be edited are similar to those in the create new inventory session section.

  • (5) Delete inventory session: The inventory session can only be deleted when it is in draft or rejected status.

  • (6) Export inventory results: Select download inventory results to export the inventory results file quickly right on the inventory session list screen.

  • (7) Import inventory results: In case the department has too many assets and needs to update the inventory results by entering information into a template file and then importing it directly into the system, but this feature does not support uploading inventory images.

  • (8) Close inventory session: Quickly close the inventory session directly on the system instead of the inventory person having to close it on the app. Note that when using this feature, it must ensure that the assets have synchronized the results to the system before closing the inventory session.

  • (9) Cancel inventory session: In the approved status, the inventory session approver has the right to cancel the inventory session. When canceling the session, this session will be completely lost on the system.

  • (10) Reapprove: When users need to change information about personnel participating in the inventory or need to extend the time to take inventory, they can use this function. The operations are similar to creating a new inventory session.

  • (11) Reopen session: In case of errors during the inventory process or incorrect inventory results, users can reopen the session to continue performing/editing the inventory session.

  • (12) Create report:

    • Quickly create an inventory report on the inventory session list screen without having to go into the details of the inventory session. The details of the inventory session report are in the section.
      Báo cáo kiểm kê.



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