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[ENG] Work Order Checklist

Screen Name

Work Order Checklist

Login - Plant Maintenance - Maintenance Config - Work Order Checklist


The screen displays the entire list of Work Order Checklist.


Fields Description

I. Filtering and searching conditions:

  • Search: Users enter search information in the search box, supporting search by "checklist code" or "checklist name".

  • Order type: select the type of order

  • Asset category: select the category to search for.

  • Status: select the status.

  • Property: select the property.

  • Asset model: select the Asset model.

  • Work center: select the work center.

  • Clear all: helps to clear all previously searched filter conditions.

  • Add filter: In addition to the default filter, users can also add other filter for searching.

II. Main functions:

  • (1) Create work order checklist:

    • All marked fields must be filled in.

    • Check the inspection form when creating a work order checklist to perform arising work orders.

    • Check the schedule and repetition to perform regular work orders.

  • (2) Export: Click export to download the entire work order checklist in excel file format.

  • (3) Import:

    • Import new create: Used to create multiple work order checklist by uploading a template file. Users download the template file, fill in all required information to create work order checklist at once instead of creating each work order checklist directly on the system.

    • Import new update: Used to update work order checklists on the system. Users select the update template to download, fill in all information in the template file, and then upload it.

  • (4) Delete work order checklist: Delete a work order checklist when it is no longer performed at the property.

  • (5) Edit work order checklist: When users need to update information in a previously created work order checklist, select edit to update. The information fields to be edited are the same as in the work order checklist creation step.

  • (6) View details: Select the icon to view the details of a work order checklist.



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