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[ENG] Work Order Type

Screen Name

Work Order Type

Login - Plant Maintenance - Maintenance Config - Work Order Type


The screen displays the entire list of Work Order Type


Fields Description

I. Filtering and searching conditions

  • Search: Users enter search information in the search box, supporting search by "work order code" or "work order name".

  • Status: select the work order status.

  • Update property status after implementation: Select whether to update or not to update the asset status to search for related work order types.

II. Main functions:

  • (1) Create work order type: On the work order type screen, select "Create" to create a work order type.

    • All marked fields must be filled in.

    • Enter description information or select related work order types for electricity/water if available.

  • (2) View details: Select the icon :xem_chi_tiết: to view the details of a work order type.

  • (3) Edit: Select the icon :chỉnh_sửa: to edit.

  • (4) Delete: In case work order types are not used, users can delete work order types.

    • In addition, users can delete multiple rows at once by:
      (1) Checking the rows to be deleted.
      (2) Selecting more actions, then selecting delete.



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