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[Eng] Order Management

Screen Name

Order Management

Log in – Ticket Office – Order Management


This screen allows to manage orders


Fields Description

[Search and filter the list of orders]

  • Search: The user enters information such as order code, card code and booking code to search.

  • Filter: Select an icon :lọc: to display the order filtering screen:

    • Filter by TA

    • Filter by status

    • Filter by payment method

    • Select the sales time

    • The user can add additional fields to the filter by selecting 'Add filter”

    • Select 'Clear all' to remove all selected filter.

[To view the details and print the invoice, follow these steps]

  • To view order details: The user selects the icon :xem_chi_tiết: to view the details of the order

    • (1) Display the order details

    • (2) The functions of printing and canceling invoices are dependent on the user's permissions to access these features (Please contact the IT department to obtain the necessary permissions)

      • (2.1) Print an invoice: Select 'Print invoice' to initiate the printing of the invoice, then select 'OK' to proceed.

      • (2.2) Cancel an invoice:

        • The conditions for canceling invoices are as follows:

          • The account must have the authorization to cancel invoices.

          • The account must have a shift opening sessions.

          • Only invoices from the current day can be canceled.

          • The services included in the invoice must not have been utilized.

        • The user selects 'Cancel invoice', enters the reason for canceling the invoice, and confirms to proceed with the cancellation.

        • When an invoice is canceled, it will generate a reverse bill and store the information of the original bill. The status of the bill will be marked as 'Canceled'. All services within the bill will be locked

    • (3) Ticket code: Enter the ticket/card code to search for the ticket in case the invoice contains a large number of tickets.

    • (4) Status: Select the ticket status to search. The ticket statuses may include:

      • Pending: The ticket has not yet reached its usage date.

      • In use: The ticket is currently being used within its usage period as printed on the ticket.

      • Used up: The ticket has been scanned at the gate the maximum number of times as printed on the ticket.

      • Expired: The ticket has passed its usage date and is no longer valid.

      • Locked: The ticket is locked due to the cancellation of the invoice.

    • (5) To view ticket details, including detailed information, access history, cancellation history, and exchange history, select the ticket code

      • (5.1) Cancel ACM turn: In case the ticket has been used and the ticket status in the ticket details section shows 'Used up', the user can follow these steps to return the ACM pass to the customer:

        • (1) Check the box next to the ticket code that needs to be canceled.

        • (2) Select icon :ba_chấm: located in the upper right corner of the screen.

        • (3) Select 'Cancel ACM turn' to proceed with the cancellation. After the successful cancellation, the ticket status will return to 'Pending'. If the ticket has been returned through the gate, the user can proceed to cancel the invoice in the same manner as described in step (2.2).

        • After successfully canceling an ACM turn, the system will record the cancellation history in the ticket details section.



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