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[ENG] Account management

Screen Name

Account management


The customer login information management screen when customers log into the Citravel booking system.


Fields Description

1.Account Management

  • Click on “Manage your account” to update update the personal information of the account owner

  • Users need to enter their first name, last name, email, phone number, and select their date of birth.

  • In addition, users can select an image to change their account profile picture by clicking on the profile picture icon.

  • Finally, click on "Update" to save the changes to the account information.

2.Change password: To change the password, users need to follow these steps:

  • Click on “Change password

  • Enter the new password then confirm the new password by entering it again.

  • Click on "Update" to save the password changes.

  1. My reservations: Manage the information related to booking and stay history of users.

  • Select “My reservations” to view the details of upcoming, history or canceled bookings

  • Select “View detail” to view the full details of the booking

  • In the "Special requests" section, users can select the icon :edit: to add additional special requests. Even after a successful booking, users can still adjust their special requests and the lodging management system will automatically update the customer's special request information

  • Users can select "Cancel reservation" to cancel the booking

  • Select "Hide details" to hide booking information

4.Log out: when users need to log out their account information from the system


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