The screen allows users to search and manage detailed information of bookings that have occurred in the system, displaying booking information in a grid format with intuitive and convenient colors.
Fields Description
At the top right corner of the screen, users can select the desired view mode. The system supports two view modes: Map and Calendar.
I. View Mode: Map
(1) Booking search: Users can quickly search for bookings by entering the itinerary code, confirmation code, room number, etc.
(2) Unassigned rooms: Click on the “not assigned” box to view information about bookings that are scheduled for today but have not been assigned a room number.
(3) Users can choose to view the room layout by Floor or by Room Type.
Group by floor
Group by Room Type
(4) This feature allows displaying all current room statuses on the system, including Staying, Reserved, Available, Room Not Clean, and Daily. Users can select the room status, and the system will display all rooms with the corresponding status that the user has selected.
Select the room status you want to view.
Users can clear the filter by continuing to click on the selected status.
(5) Users click on the :refresh: lto refresh the room layout screen (room plan).
(6) Display information about the number of available rooms.
(7) Display information about the number of rooms sold by hour/day and the total revenue for the day.
(8) Change room status: Each room number will display an icon indicating whether the room is clean, dirty, or unavailable.
Clean: The room is clean and can be assigned to guests.
Dirty: The room is dirty and needs to be cleaned.
Unavailable: The room cannot be sold, needs repair, or is being held for guests.
II. View mode: Calendar
(1) Select to view room availability for 1 day, 7 days, or 15 days.
(2) The system displays all room information categorized by room types. To hide some rooms, users can click on the "-" sign to collapse or click on the "+" sign to expand the full room list.
(3) The system displays booking information by day, helping users to conveniently monitor and manage bookings. Users can click on the available slots at different time intervals to create new bookings or double click on created bookings to view details
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