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[ENG] Profile

Screen Name


IOS, CHPlay - CiTravel


Customer profile information on the CiTravel mobile application


Fields Description

(1) Guest profile information: Name, email, avatar.

(2) Verify phone number: Input your phone number to verify

(3) Personal information

  • Change avatar: Click on the “Change avatar” button to upload a new picture or choose one from your device's gallery

  • Users can change their personal information such as name, date of birth, and phone number by click on the option to enter the new information or update the existing information

(4) Change password: Click on the option to enter the new password

(5) Language: To switch between Vietnamese and English languages

(6) About CiTravel: see details at [ENG] CiTravel System and Policy Information

(7) Link accounts: Click on the option to enable or disable the link

  • Google

  • Facebook

(8) Log out: Click on “Log out” to log out and exit your account from this app



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