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[ENG] Profiles

Screen Name


Login - profiles


The screen allows users to manage the profiles of guests who have stayed or are currently staying


Fields Description

1.Guest profile filter
Users can search for guest profile information based on the following fields:

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Email

  • ID

2. Details of guest profile

(1) On the Guest Profile screen, select the icon :chi_tiết: to view the guest profile details.

(2) Users can edit/update the information fields in the guest information section

(3)View staying history, click on the itinerary code to view the guest's booking history details.

3. Declaration of residence:
Follow these steps to complete the declaration of residence:

(1) On the Guest Profile screen, select “Declaration of residence”

(2) Filter or search for relevant booking information to create a stay declaration.

(3) Select the bookings for which to print the stay declaration

(4) Select 'Export' to preview the declaration.

(5) Select the icon :tải_xuống: to download the declaration file or select the icon :in: to print.

4. Create new profile:

Do following steps below to create new profiles

(1) Select “Create New Profile”

(2) Please fill in all required fields as picture.

(3) Select the icon:tạo_mới: to upload photo of identification

(4) Select “Save” to complete



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