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[ENG] Rate Detail

Screen Name

Rate Detail

Login - Setting - Rate - Rate Detail


The screen allows to mange rate detail


  • Basic Mode

  • Advance Mode

Fields Description

Basic Mode

  • Select Room Type (1) and Configuration Type (2) → the system will display detailed pricing information (3).

  • Daily: Enter daily pricing, you can enter pricing for multiple days.

  • Overnight: Enter overnight pricing if applicable.

  • Extra hour: Enter surcharge pricing calculated by the hour, for example, if the guest stays beyond the checkout time for an additional hour, there will be a surcharge of 20,000 VND.

  • Extra Person: Enter surcharge pricing calculated per person, for example, if the room accommodates a maximum of 3 people, there will be a surcharge of 50,000 VND for each additional person.

Advance mode: Turn on the status bar to display advanced pricing settings.

(1) Select the room type to view and adjust pricing.

(2) Bulk Update: Select to adjust pricing by Hour, Day, or Long stay.

  • (1) Hour: For guests who stay by the hour.

    • Enter the number of hours the guest will stay and the corresponding room rate.

    • Select the icon :tạo_mới: to add the corresponding hourly rate adjustment. For example, 1 hour for 50,000 VND, 2 hours for 80,000 VND.

    • Select the time frame to apply the pricing.

    • Select the Room Type and the applicable pricing code.

    • Select "Update" to save changes.

  • (2) Day: For guests who stay by the day.

    • Daily: Enter daily pricing.

    • Overnight: Enter the number of hours to start calculating the overnight rate.

    • Extra Hour: Enter the surcharge amount calculated by the number of hours.

    • Extra Person: Enter the surcharge amount in case the guest exceeds the maximum number of people allowed.

    • Select the time frame to apply the pricing.

    • Select the Room Type and the applicable pricing code.

    • Select "Update" to save changes.

  • (3) Long Stay: For guests who stay by the month.

    • Monthly: Enter the corresponding amount of time the guest will stay in months.

    • Select the icon :tạo_mới: to add the corresponding monthly rate adjustment. For example, 1 month for 5,000,000 VND, 2 months for 8,000,000 VND.

    • Extra day: In case the guest stays beyond the checkout time for the month, enter the surcharge amount calculated by the day.

    • Extra Person: Enter the surcharge amount in case the guest exceeds the maximum number of people allowed.

    • Select the time frame to apply the pricing.

    • Select the Room Type and the applicable pricing code.

    • Select "Update" to save changes.

(3) Restriction: Display information about restriction on pricing types, click on "Close" or the icon :thả: to select the restriction you want to view. See details of the restriction in the Restriction Policy section.

(4) In case the restriction are enabled, the system will display as shown below, which means that the rate plan will be closed from September 9th to October 14th, customers will not be able to book rooms with this pricing type during that time.



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