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[ENG] Reconciliation

Screen Name


Login - Accountant - Reconciliation


The screen displays all information on the booking reconciliation between the hotel and the CiTravel system.


Fields Description

(0) Select the monthly settlement cycle to view.

(1) Commission payment transactions: Displays the number of commission payment transactions for partners in the settlement cycle.

(2) Commission revenue: The total revenue of the hotel calculated as commission for the partner.

(3) Total commission amount: The total commission amount based on commission revenue.

(4) Pay for owner: The amount that the partner needs to pay to the hotel

(5) Select the settlement statuses to view.

(6) Filter by payment method: Online payment/Pay at the hotel.

(7) Select to view by settlement statuses: Pending/Waiting for payment/Successful/Failed/Paid/Not processed.

(8) Search for bookings by information such as Guest Name, Confirmation Code...

(9) Select the icon :chi_tiết: to view detailed booking information.

(10) Select the icon:xác_nhận: to confirm the booking reconciliation operation with the partner.



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