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[ENG] Register to use the CiTravel system for property owners

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CiTravel offers a digital transformation solution for small and medium-sized hotels to optimize their operations and increase online bookings through various distribution channels. Property owners can register to use the CiTravel system on a dedicated registration page


Fields Description

I. Change Language

Users can choose between Vietnamese (VI) or English (EN) language options to convert the language displayed on the system to suit their needs.

II. Register for use with 7 simple steps

Step 1: Enter property information

  • Property name: Enter the name of the property, which is a required field

  • First name, Last name: Enter the First name, Last name of the property owner, which is a required field

  • Phone number: Enter the contact phone number for the property.

  • Email: Enter the email address for the property, which is a required field. (After completing the registration, the system will send a confirmation to the provided email address, so users should make sure to enter the correct email information)

  • To continue to step 2, click on the "Continue" button.

Step 2: Choose the appropriate registration method

  • Do it myself: Select do it yourself and finish the registration process in just 5 minutes. Click on the "Continue" button to proceed to step 3

  • I need help: If users choose this method, support staff will contact them based on the information provided in step 1 to assist with the registration process.

  • Request a demo: If users need a detailed introduction to the functions and operation process of the CiTravel system, users can choose the Request a demo option to schedule an appointment for a live demo from support staff. After the demo, users can decide whether to register for the system or not.

Step 3: Enter property address information

  • Complete all required fields for the property address information.

  • After entering the required information, click "Continue" to proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Enter general information about the property

  • Number of rooms: Enter the total number of rooms that the property has, which is a required field.

  • Overview: Enter a description introducing the property.

  • Currency: Select the currency that the business uses. Note that only one currency can be selected, and it cannot be changed after registration.

  • Images: Upload at least 3 images of the property, which is a required field.

Click "Continue" to proceed to step 5.

Step 5: Choose a domain name

  • The system will automatically select the property name entered in step 1 but users can delete or edit it. It is recommended to choose a domain name that matches the property name to make it easier for customers to remember.

  • After creating a domain name, the system will generate a dedicated website page for the property, making it more convenient for customers to make bookings.

  • Users have the option to not create a domain name for the property by clicking on "Skip" to proceed to step 6.

Step 6: Enter Room information

(1) Enter the room type information, including the number of rooms available, the daily price, and the hourly price (if applicable).

If the property does not offer hourly room rates, then the hourly price field can be left blank.

(2) Upload at least 1 image related to the room type.

(3) If the property has multiple room types, select "Add more room type" to add information for each room type.

(4) Click "Skip" if the user wants to skip this step. Room information can be updated after completing the registration.

Step 7: Review information

Review the provided information and ensure its accuracy. After confirming the details, click "Finish" to finish the registration process.

[Login information]

  • After completing the registration process, the system will send a confirmation email to the provided email address. Users should check their email to obtain the login information for accessing the system

  • Select “Verify Email Address”to confirm and reset your password

  • After creating a password, users should select "Sign in" to log in to the system with the email address entered in step 1 and the newly created password



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