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[ENG] Restriction

Screen Name


Login - Setting - Rate - Restriction


The screen allows setting restrictions for the hotel by room type, rate, and sales channel.


Fields Description

1. Types of restriction:

  • Close: Set hotel/Room type/Pricing type/Sales channel not allowed to sell during a specific time period.

  • Min LOS: Minimum number of nights required to book on this day

  • Max LOS: Maximum number of nights required to book on this day.

  • Minimum advance booking: Minimum number of days in advance to book from the check-in date.

  • Maximum advance booking: Maximum number of days in advance to book from the check-in date.

  • Cancellation policy: restriction on the room cancellation policy if booked on this day.

2. Level of restriction

  • Property: Set restriction on all room types, rate plan, and sales channels of the hotel.

  • Room type: Set restriction only on the required room types.

  • Rate: Set restriction only on the required pricing types.

  • Room - pricing: Set specific restriction on which room type corresponds to which pricing type that needs to be limited.

  • Distribution channel: Set restriction for the required sales channel that needs to be limited.

3. Create restriction

(1) Select “Bulk Update”

(2) Select the type of restriction to be set. Note that restriction related to dates such as minimum nights/maximum nights/minimum advance booking/maximum advance booking... need to enter the number of days/nights to apply the restriction .

(3) Select the icon :thời_gian: to select the time range to apply the restriction.

(4) Select specific days of the week to apply the restriction within the selected time range in step (3).

(5) Select the level of restriction: apply the type of restriction.

(6) Select "Save" to complete the restriction configuration.

In addition, users can quickly create restriction as follows:

(1) Determine in advance the Room type/Rate/Distribution channel that needs to apply the restriction, select the type of restriction to be performed, then select the icon :edit:to quickly adjust the restriction.

(2) When the user selects to adjust the Minimum nights restriction, it is necessary to enter the limited minimum number of nights, similarly with other types of restriction, at this step, it is also necessary to enter the value that needs to be restriction.

(3) Select the icon :thời_gian: to select the time range to apply the restriction.

(4) Select specific days of the week to apply the restriction within the selected time range in step (3).

(5)Select "Save" to complete the quick constraint creation

To delete the restriction, selects the icon :xóa: at the end of the restriction type.

4. Manage the restriction

  • After the restriction is created, the system will display information based on the color so that users can identify which type of restriction is set for that day. The color-coded legend for each restriction is noted in the bottom left corner of the page.

  • If there are multiple restrictions applied on the same day, it will display "*" corresponding to that day.

  • To create restriction for the property do as follows:

  • To create restriction for the room type do as follows:

  • To create restriction for the rate plan do as follows:

  • To create restriction for the distribution channel do as follows:



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