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[ENG] Setting - Service

Screen Name


Login - Setting - Settings Property - Service


The screen allows to config services


Fields Description

(1) Search

(2) Filter by service group

(3) Create service:

  • (1) Select to update the image related to the new service to be created.

  • (2) Enter the required information such as Service name, Price, Cost, Category, unit.

  • (3) The Service group and Unit fields when not yet created, users can create directly by:

    • (1) Enter the name of the service group/Unit to be created

    • (2) Select create to save the information.

  • Finally, select "Create" to add the service.

(4) Edit Category: Select :edit:to update category name

(5) Adjust the inventory quantity of the service:: Select the icon :thêm:to adjust the inventory quantity.

The system will display the entire inventory history of the service on the screen above.

(6) Edit Service: Performed when users need to change information such as service name, cost, or selling price.

(7) Delete Service



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