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[ENG] Setting - Template

Screen Name


Login - Setting - Settings Property - Template


The screen allows configuring the hotel's template


Fields Description

There are 5 templates, users can edit the information fields as desired. In case users need to use other forms, they can contact the admin for support.

(1) Invoice

(2) Booking confirmation _ Owner

(3) Booking confirmation _ Booker

(4) Booking cancellation _ Booker

(5) Booking cancellation _ Owner

To edit the template, users select the icon :chỉnh:.

  • Select to view default when the user wants to keep the current form.

  • The information section includes the code and name of the template

  • In the Content section, users select "Basic" to adjust any information fields to fit the content that the base desires.

  • Select "Send email" to send the edited form to the email address.

  • Select Preview to preview the changes that the user has just edited in the Content section before sending the email.



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