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[Eng] Create Transportation Task

Screen Name

Create Transportation Task

Log in – Task Management – Task Management – Create Task – Transportation


The screen allows you to create a new task for the Transportation department following the pre-configured template (such as: pick-up, drop-off, internal transfer, or round trip). Once the task is created, the system will send the push notification to the creator, supervisor, and assignee. The notification is sent to the web as well as mobile application if this user uses the Staff App application on their mobile phone.


Fields Description

The task contains the following information:

  • Followers: Supervisor or Manager who is responsible for following and ensuring the task is performed within the due date and with a standard quality of the hotel

  • Quick Task Name: Select from the predefined tasks list of values. The template represents the task that the department usually uses. You can always modify the details of the task.

  • Status: Status of the task (new, in-progress, on-hold, done, completed, cancel). Note that for the statues Completed and Cancel, only the users who have the permission can change it.

  • Assignee: Select the assignee for the task. This field can be empty, and the supervisor/manager is responsible for assigning the task.

  • Priority: Select the priority of the task (high, medium, low)

  • Due date: Select the due date of the task

  • Remind: The system will send a notification to the related people when the task is going to expire

  • General Information:

    • Pick Up: pick up guests from the guest’s location to the hotel

    • Drop Off: drop off guests from the hotel to the destination

    • Internal Transfer: transfer guests within the hotel’s areas

    • Transport: pick up and drop off guests

  • Confirmation Number: Confirmation Number of the reservation

  • Group Number: Group that booked the same transport

  • Room: Room Number of the guests

  • Itinerary Number: The itinerary number will be prepopulated according to the selected confirmation number

  • Guest name: The guest’s name will be prepopulated according to the selected confirmation number

  • Phone No: Phone Number of the guest

  • VIP: VIP level of the guest

  • Nationality: Nationality of the guest

  • Special request: The special requests of the guests (get from the reservations)

  • Comment/Note: Display the comment/note of the reservation

  • SLA (Minute): Standard time that the task is intended to be done (the SLA is predefined for each department)

  • Start time: The Start time is counted when the task is changed from NEW to IN-PROGRESS

  • Travel Information:

    • Flight No: Number of the flight (if you select pick up/ drop-off only). In case you select the Round-trip option, this field will be reserved to enter the number of the arrival flight.

    • Arr/ Dep Date: Arrival and Departure date of the flight (if you select pick up/ drop-off only). In case you select the Round-trip option, this field will be reserved to enter the information of the arrival flight.

    • Arr/ Dep Time: Arrival and Departure time of the flight (if you select pick up/ drop-off only). In case you select the Round-trip option, this field will be reserved to enter the information of the arrival flight.

    • Boat No: Number of the boat (if you select pick up/ drop-off only). In case you select the Round-trip option, this field will be reserved to enter the information of the arrival boat.

    • Boat time: Departure time of the boat (if you select pick up/ drop-off only). In case you select the Round-trip option, this field will be reserved to enter the information of the arrival boat.

    • Pickup time: Time when the transporter will pick up the guests at the guest’s location.

    • Pickup Route: Information about the pickup and drop off route. You can select from the predefined route in the system.

    • Pickup Location: Pickup location of the guests (get from the selected route)

    • Car type: The car used to transfer guests.

    • Car plate: Plate of the car

    • Price: Price of the transfer service

    • Extend price: Price incurs to add to the default price of the service (if any)

    • Total price: Price + Extend price.

    • Adult/Children/Infant/FOC: Number of adults/children/infants/FOC

    • Pax: Total number of guests

    • Departure Information: In case of Round-Trip, there is an additional field to enter the departure information (the same as Arrival Information).

  • History: History logs of the task

If you select the Transport type = Internal Transfer, you will have less information to fill in:

  • Departure location: Location where to pick up the guests

  • Arrival location: Location where to drop off the guests

  • Arr./Dep. Date: Arrival/Departure date to pick up/drop off guests

  • Arr./Dep. Time: Arrival/Departure time

  • Pickup Time: Time to pick up guest

  • Car Number: Number of the car used to transfer guests

  • Number of Passenger: Number of guests to pick up


The tasks that are created in this module are linked to the information in the Transportation module to help the Transportation department to gather and schedule the appropriate route and transport.

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