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[Eng] Task Lists

Screen Name

Task Management

Log in – Task Management – Task Management


The screen allows you to create and manage the internal tasks between different departments in the hotel. You can both manage the tasks list from the UI and export the related report.


Fields Description

1. Search criteria

  • Search: Allow user to search created tasks by task code

  • Filter: By default, the filter will be empty & display all information of the created tasks.

    • List of task creators: Display the avatar of the task creators

    • Task department: Allow user to select the task department(s) by user’s need.

    • Priority: Allow user to select the priority level(s)

    • Create Date: Allow user to select the created tasks from date to date by created date of tasks

    • Due date: Allow user to select the created tasks from date to date by due date of tasks.

    • Status: Allow user to select the status(es) of created tasks.

  • Clear filter: Clear all selected information in filter fields.

  • Sort: Sort ascending by selected filter box (default, created by, due date, priority, area)

Task Status:

  • New: newly created tasks, no assignee or assignee has not been going to do task yet.

  • In-Progress: tasks are being handled (Start to count SLA).

  • On-Hold: tasks are being held for a reason by assignee.

  • Done: tasks have been done by assignee, need to be double checked by supervisor.

  • Completed: tasks have been done & double checked by supervisor. If the task is raised by guest, it has been informed to guest by CS with guest’s satisfaction feedback.

  • Cancel: tasks have been canceled by creator or supervisor/manager.

*SLA (Service-Level Agreement): standard time that the task is intended to be done.

Details of a task

  • Task name or task code: Display the name of the task (if task was created by user) and display the task code (if task was auto generated by the system).

  • Location: Area where the task is performed

  • Due date: Due date of the task

  • Information: General information or other information that was input when a task was created.

  • Task code: The task code was auto generated when the task was created, including the code of the department followed by the ordinal numbers

  • Task priority: Display the priority of the task, differentiated by the color of the arrow (red: high, yellow: medium, empty: low).

  • User: User who created the task

Task Export:

Export the report of the list of tasks. You can export by Excel & PDF format.

Create a new Task

Select the department to create a new task. By default, the template of the task is pre-configured for each department.

Fill in the following fields to create the task. The list of fields can vary according to the department.

  • Status: Status of the task, default is New.

  • Assignee: Select the assignee from the Employees list of values

  • Priority: Priority of the task (High/Medium/Low)

  • Due date: Expected due date when the task will be completed

  • Confirmation Number: Confirmation Number of the reservation associated to the task

  • Itinerary Number: Itinerary Number of the reservation associated to the task

  • Area: Select the Room Number or the Area where the task will be performed

  • Guest Name: Name of the Guest

  • Special Request: Special Requests of the Guest

  • Comment/Note: Comment/Note if any

  • Upload images

Select “Save” to create the task.


Once the task is created, the system will send the push notification to the creator, supervisor, and assignee. The notification is sent to the web as well as mobile application if this user uses the Staff App application on their mobile phone.

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