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[Eng] Task Management Report

Screen Name

Task Management Report

Log in – Task Management – Export Task


The report provides the list of tasks that are created for all the department. The data in the report depends on the selected filters.

Fields Description

1. Filters & export report

The data in the report depends on the selected filters on the Task Management screen (see [Eng] Task Lists for details).

In case there are no selected filters, the default data is got for 30 days from today.

The report can be exported to Excel or PDF format. Click download to download the report.

2. Data fields in the report

  • Task ID: ID of the task

  • Dept: Department where the task is assigned

  • Task Name: Name of the task

  • Current Status: Status of the task

  • Created At: When the task is created

  • Created By: User who creates the task

  • Start - End At: When the task is started and finished

  • Area: Area where the task is performed

  • Special Request: Special requests of guests (get from the reservation)

  • Assignee: Staff who is assigned to the task

  • Total SLA: Total SLA associated for the task

  • Overdue Time: Counted time when the task is overdue

  • Task Note: Additional note if any

  • Due Date: Expected due date when the task will be completed

  • Comment: Comment on the reservation

  • Task List: Check list that should be performed for the task


The report only provides the information related to the task and does not provide the information on the revenue.

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