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[Eng] Update Task Progress

Screen Name

Update Task Progress

Log in – Task Management – Task Management – Task detail


The screen allows you to update the status of the task. The update can be made by the assignee, supervisor and the reporter on the web or on the Staff App.


Fields Description

  • New → On-progress: the assignee starts the task. The status can be changed on the web or on the Staff app of the assignee.
    * SLA (minute): Standard time that the task is intended to be done
    * Start time: Counted when the task is changed from New to In-progress

  • On-Hold: the task is pending for a reason. When the task is held, the counter is paused to count and will be re-run when the task is changed back to In-progress

  • Done: the task is done by the assignee and waiting for inspection by the supervisor/manager. The counter is stopped, and the End Time is set.

  • Completed: the task is inspected and marked as Completed.

  • Cancel: the task is canceled for a reason.
    * Note:
    - Only the supervisor or manager have the permission to Complete or Cancel a task.
    - When updating the status of the task, the assignee or supervisor can upload photos to illustrate the status of the task.

  • Attachment: You can upload/attach photos related to your job to illustrate the status of the ongoing task

  • History: History logs of the task


Once the status of the task is updated, the task will be moved to the corresponding column in the Task Management board. The permission to update the status can be varied according to different departments.

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