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[Eng] Department Management

Screen Name

Department Management

Log in – Task Management – Configuration – Department Management


The screen allows the department to configure the default template and assignees for the task.


Fields Description

List of departments

  • Code: Code of the department. The code of department is used as a prefix when creating the task for this department. You can always change this code.

  • Name: Name of the department.

  • Assigned: Default assignee for the task of this department. This can be the one who will receive and dispatch the task to other staff. You can also leave this field empty if the department does not have default assignee.

  • Default cashier: Default cashier of the department, who is responsible for recording all the transaction incurred from the task depending on the regulations of the hotel. You can also leave this field empty.

  • Status: Active/Inactive

  • Actions

    • Create: Configure a new department

    • Edit: Edit the department, add/remove the staff

    • Delete: Remove the department

Create department

  • Application: Select the application that corresponds to the department

  • Task form: Select the template of the task (the list of templates depends on the selected Application)

  • Default Cashier: Select the default cashier

  • Code: The code is displayed according to the selected Task Form

  • Name: Name of the department

  • Text color: Default color of the text of the task

  • Background Color: Default background color of the task

  • Status: Active/Inactive

  • Show Check List: Select this option to display the check list in the task (See [Eng] Task Check List for details)

  • Description: Description of the department

When saving the formular, the screen will display the User section to add the default assignee for the task of this department.

Search User: You can search the user in the list of staff of this department.

Edit Department

You can modify the details of the department, add, or remove the assignee.

Delete Department

You can delete the Department by clicking on the (minus) icon.



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