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[Eng] Task Check List

Screen Name

Task Check List

Log in – Task Management – Configuration – Task Check List


The screen allows you to create a check list for the task to help the assignee or the supervisor to track the progress as well as to ensure the task is achieved conforming to the standard quality of the hotel.


Fields Description

  • Search by keyword: Search the tasks by code or name of the task

  • Department: Select the department

  • Add: Add a new check list

  • Name: Enter the name of the task

  • Code: Enter the code of the task

  • Type: Select the department to create the task check list

  • Description: Enter the description of the task

The task check list is linked to the Quick Task (See [Eng] Quick Task Name for details).


To enable the check list when creating a new list, you should activate the “Check list” option at the Department Management screen (See [Eng] Department Management for details).

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