Log in – Front Office – Meal/ Package – Select “Guest”
The screen allows you to search, view, and edit the list of guests that are using services like pool, gym, etc.
Fields Description
[Filter] – Search criteria
Keyword: allows you to search by guest name, email, phone number, address
[Result] – Search results
First Name: First Name of the Guest
Last Name: Last Name of the Guest
Birthday: Birthday of the Guest
Phone Number: Phone Number of the Guest
Address: Address of the Guest
Email: Email of the Guest
Add new pool or gym ticket for the guest
View the details of the tickets associated with the guest
Edit guest’s profile
Remove the guest’s profile
Add new guest’s profile
Step 1: Select button “New Guest” to add a new profile.
Step 2: Enter the information about the guest. First Name and Last Name are required.
First Name: First Name of the Guest
Last Name: Last Name of the Guest
Birthday: Birthday of the Guest
Address: Address of the Guest
Phone Number: Phone Number of the Guest
Email: Email of the Guest
Photo: Add the avatar of the Guest. This photo is used when the guest checks in the service to identify them.
Upload File: Select the photo on the computer to upload
Take Photo: Use the Webcam of the computer to shoot the photo
Paste From Clipboard: You can also copy the image from a different source and “Past from Clipboard” to upload the photo
Step 3: Select Submit to confirm adding the new profile.
Note: The profile created here is independent and not synchronized with the guest’s profile of the Front Office module.
Update guest’s profile
Step 1:
Select this icon to update the information about the guest’s profile.
Step 2: Update the fields below
Step 3: Select Submit to confirm editing this profile.
Add new pool, gym ticket for the guest
Step 1:
Click on the + button to add a new ticket
Step 2: Enter the following details
Card: Card ID. Tap the key card on the reader to get automatically the Card ID
Ticket Type: Select the type of ticket (Pool, Gym, Other)
Onetime: Single use ticket
Day: Daily ticket
Week: Weekly ticket
Month: Monthly ticket
Quarter: Quarterly ticket
6 Months: Haft-year ticket
Custom: Valid from Start Time to End time
Number of Unit: Number of units. For example: if you want to add a ticket for 2 weeks, select the Unit = Week and Number of Unit = 2. If the Unit type = Custom, you may not enter the Number of Unit because this will take the validation from the Start Time and End Time.
Start Time: Effective Date of the ticket
End Time: End Effective Date of the ticket
Note: Reference note (if any)
View the list of tickets
Step 1:
Click on this icon to see the list of created tickets
Step 2: The list is displayed with the following information:
Guest: Name of the Guest
Card ID: ID of the key card
Ticket Type: Type of ticket
Number of Unit: Validation period of the ticket
Note: Reference note
Start Time: Effective Date of the ticket
End Time: End Effective Date of the ticket
Action buttons:
Assign card: Assign the card to the service
Unassign card: Un-assign the card from the service
Checkout: When the guest leaves the area (pool, gym), they should be checked-out from the services
Edit Ticket: Update the information on the ticket
View usage history: View the histories of usage of the services
Delete guest’s profile
Step 1:
Click on this icon to remove the guest’s profile
Step 2: Click on Yes to confirm the action
Note: The deletion of the guest’s profile does not impact the tickets that are created for this guest.
The profile created here is independent and not synchronized with the guest’s profile of the Front Office module.
The deletion of the guest’s profile does not impact the tickets that are created for this guest.
The card has been already assigned to a ticket and this guest is not checked out cannot be assigned to another ticket.
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