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[Eng] Meal/Package

Screen Name)


Log in – Front Office – Meal/ Package – Select “Package


The screen allows you to search, view the details, edit a meal package as well as grant keys for guests.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

  • Search: Enter the guest’s name, room number or confirmation number

  • Arrival Date (From-To): Select the arrival date of the guests

  • Reservation Status: Select the reservation status, default is INHOUSE. You can select many statuses at the same time (INHOUSE, RESERVED, CHECKED OUT, CANCELLED, PRE-CHECK IN, NOSHOW)

  • Itinerary Number: Enter the itinerary number

  • Rooms: Enter the room number. You can enter many room numbers at the same time, separated by the comma

  • Departure Date: Select the departure date of the guests

  • Type: Select the type of guests

  • Unassign package key: Filter the guests who are not assigned the package key

  • Unassign face: Filter the guests who are not identified by Face ID

[Result] – Search result

  • Itinerary number: Itinerary number assigned to the reservation

  • Confirmation No: Confirmation number assigned to the reservation

  • Guest name: Name of the Guest

  • Room: Room Number assigned to the reservation

  • Status: Reservation Status

  • Grant key:

    • Select the encoder to read the key card

    • Default Arrival time is 14:00 and departure time is 12:00, this can be changed as necessary

    • Select Grant key to grant the key card

  • Card Id: ID of the card assigned to the guest

  • Arrival Date: Arrival Date assigned to the reservation

  • Departure: Departure Date assigned to the reservation

  • Rate code: Rate code attached to the reservation

  • To grant the key for the package meal, click on the Card ID field and then tap the key. Only 1 key is granted at a time.

  • For the guest that is registered the FaceID, the photo will be displayed on the avatar.

  • Bulk change package: Allows you to change the package for many guests at the same time

    • Fail: In case of failure, the system shows you the rooms that have an issue and the reason for failure

    • Success: in case of success, the system shows a success message as below

  • Edit: Edit the package

    • This tab displays the list of meals that are booked for this guest

    • Actions:

      • Sync: manually synchronize the latest data of the packages

      • Assign: assign/un-assign the key card to the guests

      • Back: back to the Package screen

        Tab Detail:
        - Date: stay date of the guests
        - Breakfast
        - Lunch
        - Dinner
        - VAP / SAF: extra package VAP/SAF (can be an include or bookable package)
        - If the cell is empty, it means there is no package booked for this stay date
        ❌ : guest booked a package for this stay date but not used
        ✔ : guest booked a package for this stay date and will use it
        - Double click on the icon ✔ to update a package (you cannot update for the package having the ❌ icon)

    • Apply Date: Change the apply date

    • Package Period: Change the type of the package (Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner)

    • Status:

      • Reserved → Reserved: maintains the status of the package use (not used)

      • Reserved → Used: change the status if the package is used

    • Note: Comment when updating the package (if any)

    • Select “Submit” to confirm the action

      Histories: you can also view the history of changes in the Histories tab.

[Buttons] – Action buttons

  • Verify Card: Select to redirect to the Grant Key card and view the details of the package

  • After successfully scanning, the system displays the Package Detail screen of this card


The meal packages have a validation time according to the regulations of the property. If the period is expired, the system will change the status of the package to un-used (❌).

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