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[Eng] New Reservation

Screen Name

New Reservation

Log in – Front Office – Rate Query – New Reservation


The New Reservation screen is used to complete reservations for individual guests, travel agents, companies and groups (up to 10 rooms). To make a reservation, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Search for and look up a rate package from the Rate Query screen.

  2. Step 2: From the Rate Query screen, you can double-click on the couple Rate Code and Room Type to choose the package that you want to create the reservation.

  3. Step 3: Select “Create Reservation” button to go to the next screen to input the details of the reservation.

  4. Step 4: Enter the details of the reservation.

  5. Step 5: Confirm and save the reservation.

*Search by Rate Code or Campaign/Block


Fields Description

The New Reservation screen is made up of the following sections:

Section 1: Reservation details

Each room in the reservation is displayed on each tab with the following details:

  1. Booker

  2. Add Guest

  3. Room Information

  4. More Information

  5. Add Package

Booker – Information about booker

  • First Name: First Name of booker

  • Last Name: Last Name of booker

  • Email: Email of booker

  • Phone: Phone Number of booker

  • Actions: Click on the icon below to link the booker’s information to an existing profile in the system.

Add Guest – Information about staying guests

Main Guest Information

  • First Name: First Name of main guest (required)

  • Last Name: Last Name of main guest (required)

  • Email: Email of main guest

  • Phone: Phone number of main guest

  • Title: Title of main guest. Select from the Titles list of values.

  • Nationality: Nationality of main guest. Select from the Nationalities list of values.

  • Country: Country of main guest. Select from the Countries list of values.

  • Actions:

    • Apply all: Click on the icon below to populate those fields for all others rooms in this reservation

    • Link: Click on the icon below to link the booker’s information to an existing profile in the system.

  • Booker is also a guest: by checking the check box below, the guest information will be automatically filled by the booker information.

Sharer Information

Select “Add more sharer“ to input the sharer information

  • First Name: First Name of sharer (required)

  • Last Name: Last Name of sharer (required)

  • Email: Email of sharer

  • Phone: Phone number of sharer

  • Title: Title of sharer. Select from the Titles list of values.

  • Nationality: Nationality of sharer. Select from the Nationalities list of values.

  • Country: Country of sharer. Select from the Countries list of values.

  • Actions: Click on the icon below to link the booker’s information to an existing profile in the system.

Room Information

  • Date: Staying date (From arrival date - To departure date)

  • No. Of Night: Number of staying days

  • Prs. (Person): Total of staying guests. You can modify the number of guests by selecting from the drop-down list.

  • Room Type: Automatically filled by the room type selected from the Rate Query screen. You cannot change the room type at this stage.

  • Room: Room Number. The room assignment is not required at this step, you can assign the room later. Choose the room in the drop-down list if you want to assign.

  • Rate Plan: Automatically filled by the rate selected from the Rate Query screen.

More Information

  • Source: Source of the reservation. Select from the Sources list of values.

  • Market: Market of the reservation. Select from the Markets list of values.

  • Travel Agent: Allow to select the travel agent’s profile from the travel agent directory.

  • Company: Allow to select the company’s profile from the company directory.

  • ETA: Estimate Time of Arrival.

  • ETD: Estimate Time of Departure.

  • TA Rec Loc (Travel Agent Record Locator): Reservation Number get from the travel agent’ system.

  • Ref Number: Reference Number.

  • Origin: Category of business channel (e.g., Email, Fax, GDS members,…). Select from the Origins list of values.

  • Purpose of stay: Reason for why the guests are staying. Select from the Purposes list of values.

  • Payment method: Select from the payment method list of values.

  • Credit card No.: Enter the credit card number.

  • Expired date: Select the expiry date of the credit card.

  • Approval Code: Enter the approval code.

  • Approval Amount: Enter the approval amount.

  • Special request: Select from the Special requests list of values.

  • Comment: Enter the comment for the reservation. You may make changes as necessary.

Add Package – Add package to the reservation

The system allows you to declare the packages for each staying day.

  • Add Package: Select from the packages list of values applied for this property.

  • Quantity: Quantity of the package that you want to add.

  • Fee: Is automatically calculated according to the package and the quantity.

  • Total Fee: Sum of fees.

You can select “Apply for all days” to apply the packages for all staying days.

Section 2: Summary – General information

Displays the information about the rooms in the reservation. Select the down arrow to display the details.

The details are made up of the following fields:

  • Total Amount

  • Room Type

  • Room Type Name

  • Total Persons

  • Arrival Date

  • Departure Date

  • No. Of Nights

  • Room Price: Unit price for each day of stay. If the day is associated with the package(s), the package price will be displayed in the rows below.

  • Sub Total: Total room price (excluded Tax and SVC) for each room.

  • Total Price: Total price of this reservation (sum of all the room prices).

  • Actions: Click on Confirm Booking to confirm and save the reservation.


After successfully completing the reservation, you will be redirected to the Itinerary Detail screen [Eng] Itinerary Detail

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