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[Eng] Itinerary Detail

Screen Name

Itinerary Detail

Log in – Front Office – Reservation – Itinerary Detail


The Itinerary Detail screen displays the detailed information of a group reservation.



Fields Description

[Booker Information] – Information about the booker (1)

  • Name: Full Name of the booker

  • Email: Email of the booker

  • Phone: Phone Number of the booker

 [Booking Information] – Information about the reservation (2)

  • Arrival: Arrival Date of guest

  • Departure: Departure Date of guest

  • Night: Number of nights

  • ETA: Estimated time of guest’s arrival

  • No of Rooms: Number of rooms booked for this reservation

  • Prs. (Person): Total number of guests (adults + child)

  • Total Rate: Total rate amount of the reservation

  • Rate Code: Rate code applied for this reservation

  • Fix Charge Amount: Existing fixed charges that have been set up for the guest (or for the AR account)

  • Group Code: Code of the group reservation

[Comment/ Guest Comment] (3)

  • Comment

    • Internal comment, used for the property to communicate between different department/employee.

    • You can enter the comment for each reservation or apply for all reservations in the same itinerary.

  • Guest Comment

    • External comment come from different sources (CRS, Guest App,…)

    • Used for tracking the guest’s requests and is displayed on various reports like: Report Arrival/Guest In-house rate check/Guest In-house; or appear as comment when cloning Booking/cross-selling, activity logs; or used for external application like PCM/import Booking/create booking.

    • You can enter the comment for each reservation or apply for all reservations in the same itinerary.

      Select the function to apply the comment content to all bookings within the same group (shared Itinerary number.):

      • Append all: Choose to update additional content without overriding or deleting individual booking comments.

      • Apply for all: This option will overwrite all previous comment content present in the bookings.

[Special Request] – Special requests of guests (4)

Special request: select one or many requests from the Special Requests list of values.

Select “Apply for all” if you want to apply those requests for all the reservations in this itinerary.

[Room List] – List of reservations in the itinerary (5)

  • Conf. No.: Confirmation Number

  • Guest Name: Full Name of guest

  • Room: Room Number and Room Type

  • Status: Reservation Status

  • Prs. (Person): Total number of guests in the room

  • Arrival Date: Arrival Date of guest

  • Departure Date: Departure Date of guest

  • Rate Code: Rate Code applied for the reservation

  • Total Rate: Total amount of the reservation

Filter list

Filter the rooming list by the reservation status (Reserved, No Show, Canceled, In-house, Checkout).

Actions list

(1) Move Reservations: Combine/Detach a reservation from one itinerary to a new or existing itinerary

After moving, the screen below will be displayed:

(2) Check-in All Selected: Check in all the selected reservations (only enabled when the selected reservations have the status Reserved and have been already assigned a room).

(3) Check-out All Selected: Check out all the selected reservations (only enabled when the selected reservations have the status In House).

(4) Cancel: Cancel all the selected reservations (only enabled when the selected reservations have the status Reserved).

(5) Add Package: Add package to the selected reservations.

You can apply the package for a specific date or a range of dates.

  • Note:

    • You can add only 1 package at a time.

    • You cannot add the same package for the same period.

    • You cannot add the package in the past.

(5) Remove Package: Remove the package for the selected reservations.

You can remove the package for a specific date or a range of dates.

  • Enter the name of package and the range of date that you want to remove.

  • Note:

    • You can remove only 1 package at a time.

    • You cannot remove the package in the past.

(6) Refresh Rate: Update the price of the Rate Code for the reservations that are previously booked and the price has changed recently.

[Buttons] – Action buttons

  • Add Reservation: Create a new reservation in this itinerary, links you to Rate Query

  • Proforma Folio Invoice for the group or party

  • The proforma folio invoice is made up with the 3 following options:

    • Preview PDF: click to view the invoice in PDF format

    • Download PDF: click to download the PDF file to the local

    • Download Excel: click to download the Excel file to the local

  • This function is used to print out the cost estimation of a group/itinerary with the same room price throughout the stay. Including: room revenue, fixed charges, bookable package fee.

    • Proforma folio may be exported for PM/COMPLIMENTARY/HOUSE USE/NO-SHOW/CANCEL/EARLY CHECKED OUT rooms

    • The rooms having the same room type, arrival/departure date, rate amount might be grouped on the same line on the invoice.

    • Template of a Proforma Invoice:

  • Alert: Add alert for all the reservations in this itinerary. See Alert

  • Confirmation letter: View/Edit Confirmation letter

    • (1) Edit: Edit the information in the confirmation letter before sending it to the customer.

    • (2) Send Email: Send the letter to the customer.

    • (3) Print Confirmation letter: Print out the letter.

  • Print Registration Card: Click to print the registration card for check-in guests.

  • Messages: View the messages that have been sent to guests. See Message

  • Export guest list in party: Click to export the list of guests in the group/party

  • Assign all: Assign room number for the unassigned reservations. See Room Assignment


The Rate Codes that are displayed on the Itinerary Detail screen are the rate codes that are associated with the child reservations of the Group or Party.

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